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Joseph Touma

Joseph Touma

Civic Engagement

A West Virginia native and Duke University student, Joseph is founder of Bridge the Divide, an international political organization that works to bring youth together across party lines. He believes respect and understanding are the way forward.

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“We’re looking for a trickle-up effect, where if young people start doing it, maybe our leaders can begin coming to the table and just listen to one another.”

Young people engaging in political conversations beyond party lines.


TV: Survivor

Movie: We Are Marshall

Music: James Bond themes


“We are more alike than we are different. We must embrace diversity while remembering our similarities and common identity as Americans.”

In the News

Huffington Post

It’s Up To Young People To Bridge The Political Divide

The Robertson Scholars Leadership Program

Scholar Profile

Politics and Independence: 2019 Research Project

Independent comparative study of two European political movements.

“We all have so much to learn from and give to each other.”


U.S. Senate Youth Program

National Merit Scholar

Eagle Scout

Executive Leadership Council of the America’s Promise Alliance “State of Young People” Summit

Youth Leader Planning Committee for U.S. Conference of Mayors National Youth Summit

Economic Development in Rural North Carolina: 2018 Service Project

Joseph updated a housing needs assessment for the county government after the recent devastation of Hurricane Matthew and developed two geo-tracking walking tours of Tarboro, NC to encourage local tourism. 

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