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Everything is Weird: Our Survival Tips (So Far)


The world we live in has changed drastically in a short amount of time, and we, like most of you, are still trying to figure out how to navigate this very new, very unfamiliar one. We won’t pretend to have all or even some of the answers, ’cause, well, we don’t – but we CAN share a few of the things we’ve been doing to adjust, cope, de-stress, and just generally DEAL.

Have a Spa Day

Spa nights are great, but you know what’s even better? Turning it into an all-freakin’-day event. And if you’re gonna do it, DO IT UP. Start AND end it with a bathtub full of CBD-infused bath bombs and soaks (our MOOD collection has options for every vibe you’re aiming for). Do a brightening face mask in the morning, a moisturizing face mask in the afternoon, and a clarifying face mask at night. Treat your body to a sugar scrub. Spritz your pillow with calming aromatherapy mist. And for real, have you tried the MOOD muscle balm? It. is. no. joke. 

Try Meditation

Hey, don’t roll your eyes! Seriously, why NOT give meditating a shot? There’s tons of actual, legit, science backing up the mental and physical benefits of dedicating even just a few minutes a day to meditation. Plus, there are an abundance of apps that offer an enormous variety of meditations to suit your individual needs and guide you through every single step.

Bake Something

It doesn’t have to be complicated. It doesn’t even have to be healthy (gotta treat yourself once in a while!). Just dust off one of the cookbooks you keep on display to make it look like you’re the kind of person who uses cookbooks (we’re guilty, too) or look up a recipe online and get busy making yourself something yummy. It’ll occupy your mind with something non-news-related for a bit, and putting in the work will make the reward that much sweeter (no pun intended). And, bonus: your place will smell awesome for hours. 

Make a Playlist

There are plenty of pre-made playlists curated to inspire plenty of different moods, but if you have some time to kill, throw all of the songs that make YOU feel good into a playlist that you can shuffle through any time you need a little boost. And if you want to spread the love, you can share it with friends, too.

Move Your Body

Try not to let yourself fall into a sedative routine, even though you’re spending more time at home. Carve out time in your day to get up and move around, go for a run, do some yoga, dance around the living room – whatever gets your blood pumping and the endorphins flowing.

Take Yourself for a Walk

Okay, your dog (if you have one) is totally invited too, but maybe un-invite your phone this time. Plug it into your charger and give yourself the gift of a distraction-free walk. Look around, breathe the fresh air, enjoy the quiet, or even the oddly comforting sound of traffic. You’ll come back feeling refreshed – AND you’ll have a fully charged phone to FaceTime friends and family with. 

Feel Your Feels

Last but certainly not least, remember that an important part of self-care is giving yourself permission to just… feel. Surrounding yourself with as much positivity as possible is essential, obviously – but sometimes the “good vibes only” posts on Insta can make you feel more “rage vibes” than good ones. The truth is, we’re all human, and sometimes we feel scared, anxious, sad, unsure – and that’s okay. In fact, it’s very, very normal. Especially right now – things are weird, to say the least.

When the less-than-fuzzy feelings bubble up, don’t judge them, or yourself. Don’t dismiss them by telling yourself that other people have it worse – that may be true, and keeping things in perspective is important, but it doesn’t make your problems any less valid or your feelings any less real. So go easy on yourself. Acknowledge your feelings. And then think about what you can do to deal with them – one day at a time, one step at a time. We’ll be doing the same.