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For the fourth year in a row, AE is proud to support the It Gets Better Project by donating 100% of sales of our annual Pride collection to the nonprofit, which uplifts, empowers, and connects LGBTQ+ youth around the world. But inclusivity starts from the inside out, which is why we’re taking this opportunity to reflect on what equality, individuality, and a better future mean to us. 

We kicked off our series of guest posts about love, acceptance, and how it really DOES get better with our Global Brand President, Chad Kessler, and have followed up with posts from associates across the country. Now, AE digital project manager Aly shares what she wishes someone had told her when she was younger: love surrounds you.




Digital Project Manager

I haven’t always worked at AE, but I have always been a lesbian. I didn’t always know that I was queer, but I knew I was different from a young age. I remember asking my mother in middle school if she would still love me if I were gay. Instead of asking her, I wish I could have asked my future self.

I would have told myself that not only will your parents still love you, but you will find love from so many directions. You will find a partner who not only accepts you completely, but also helps you to stay true to yourself and bring out your best, real self. You will find many communities to surround yourself with, who will also love and accept you completely.

Also, you will be surprised to find yourself in an awesome career at a company that not only accepts you, but actively works to create a more accepting society by working with nonprofits to help kids like you feel loved and accepted.

Love surrounds you.
You are different, yes, but that’s what makes you, you!

Everyone has a story to tell. What’s yours? Share it with #ItGetsBetter @americaneagle to show your support and inspire LGBTQ+ youth around the world!