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Peyton Klein

Building Intercultural Friendships: Peyton Klein | AExME Council | American Eagle

Global Minds Initiative Founder


Inspired by the power of intercultural friendships, AExME Council member Peyton Klein created the Global Minds Initiative, which has grown since its 2016 launch in Pittsburgh, Pa., to a national and international movement.

It began one morning at school, when Peyton realized she knew the names of every student in her class except for the girl in the hijab. Feeling ashamed she hadn’t been practicing the inclusion she’d been preaching, Peyton introduced herself. The rest is history. Khwala and Peyton became great friends—including Peyton learning about Khwala’s refugee experience—and Peyton was inspired to found the Global Minds Initiative, a for-youth, by-youth organization that bridges immigrants, refugees, and U.S.-born students through after-school programming.

 “Diversity is a fact; inclusivity is a choice,”

says the current high school junior who is passionate about immigrant rights and educational equity.

Peyton’s work has been featured on the Today Show, Fox News, Teen Vogue, and the New York Times, and the Global Minds movement now reaches over 1,500 students in 23 schools across the U.S. and Canada.

“The most powerful weapon we have against hate isn’t violence,”

Peyton says.

“It’s love. It’s kindness. If we can create love and hope within our communities, that can solve so many of our issues.”

Meet all the members of the AExME Council here.